Workshops & Experiences for Individual and Team Development



About Learning & Development

Developing employees as ‘people’ is a critical activity in any business. Great companies invest in individuals to help them continually learn and develop new skills and ways of working.  The right style of employee training helps retain great people and ensures organisations have the skills & talents required for the future.

Learning and development, often called training and development, is designed to improve group and individual performance by increasing and honing skills and knowledge. Solutions and strategies are designed to align group and individual goals and performance with the organisation’s overall vision and goals.

Learning & development is an investment in your people

Investing in your People

Return on investment is a critical consideration. Organisations need to be cost-effective and appropriate for the group and individual needs. Return should be obvious in many ways including productivity, morale, motivation, teamwork and the achievement of goals. The right style of training provides individuals and teams with tools and skills and shows them how to apply them within their own organisation and role.

GOTO Events programs & workshops help define your needs, then create objective driven solutions including behavioural assessments, team development, leadership programs and activity based experiential learning.

On a practical level, we help individuals responsible for learning and development to identify skills gaps among groups and teams, then, alongside you, develop the right style of suitable training to fill these gaps.

Popular Learning & Development Workshops

Bespoke Learning & Development Workshops

High Performance Teamwork

Create & implement a solid foundation for high performing teams

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Working through Change

Learn how to embrace and lead through organisational change

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Feed Forward

Discover the need for effective feedback & how it supports organisation’s goals

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High Performance Leadership

Learn the core skills of creating results through high performance leadership

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Typical 2-3hr experiences which dovetail with learning & development programs

Teambuilding & Learning & Development

Team building activities add a different dimension to any form of learning and development program.  GOTO Events include a practical activity with most programs or workshops.  This gives teams and individuals the chance to put the what they have learnt about themselves and their teams into action.

The fact that the activity is neutral and not work related means people feel free to apply themselves in different ways without fear of repercussion.  They can experiment with new ways of working and observe their colleagues in different ways.  They also get the chance to review how they have applied the fresh dynamics, what the differences were and most importantly how they can apply the positive outcomes directly to the workplace and their environment.

What You Can Expect to Achieve

By coupling leaning and development theories with practical team building activities (often called experiential learning) you can expect a very different result to just a classroom based workshop.  The key outcomes include:

Putting the theory to the test
Experimenting with new ways of working
Understanding and appreciating different behavioural styles
Pushing comfort zones in a safe environment
Exploring the outcomes of the theoretical leanings
Opportunity to step into different roles such as leadership and delegation
Creating action plans and commitment to apply key learning outcomes