Feel-Good Team Building Activities That Do Good

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Are you looking for corporate team building activities that not only bring your team closer together but also do some good for your community or the environment? Our feel-good team building events are perfect for uplifting your team, boosting your corporate social responsibility and contributing to meaningful causes.

Whether you want to support people in your local community, aid children in need worldwide, help animals or conserve local wildlife, our feel-good activities are a perfect vibe for everyone.

1. Putt for a Purpose

One of our standout charity team building events, Putt for a Purpose mixes the feel-good factor of giving back with the excitement of mini-golf in a unique and engaging team activity.

Participants are split into smaller teams, each assigned to a mini-golf hole base. After taking on fun and engaging team building challenges, each team earns access to a variety of materials to build a creative mini-golf course. With items like boxes, cans and packages from the food bank supply zone and other materials from the creative zone, teams tap into their collective creativity and ingenuity to design and construct functional mini-golf holes. Once all teams have completed their holes, the entire course comes to life as participants navigate through each other’s creations in a friendly competition.

The true feel-good factor kicks in at the end of the event, as all the food items used are packed up by the GOTO Events team and donated to a nominated charity to help people in need in your local community. This feel-good team building activity not only boosts teamwork and creativity but also supports a great cause, leaving everyone with a sense of accomplishment and joy.

people building mini gold hole with cereal boxes in charity team building event

2. Operation Supply Drop

Operation Supply Drop is a charity team building activity that’s all about the feel-good factor, giving you a hands-on opportunity to put together care packages for people facing homelessness in your area.

The team building event kicks off with a presentation from the charity, showing you why the cause matters and how your contribution will make a difference. Participants are then divided into smaller teams.

Each team is tasked with assembling a care package for the charity by taking on a series of fun, military-themed missions. Every mission you complete earns funds to collect essential items like food and household products. From memory games and skill challenges to survival tests and precision tasks, you’ll need to work together and think outside the box. It’s super satisfying to see your progress and get closer to your goal.

At the end of the event, the GOTO Events team will drop off the care packages at the chosen charity, giving a helping hand to people in need in your area. Knowing that you and your team have made a real impact will give you an awesome sense of accomplishment and joy.

GOTO Events holding care package for charity after team building event

3. Sleep Pods for the Homeless

Sleep Pods feel-good team building event is fuelled by an incredible cause that’ll inspire your team to go all in, making everyone feel great about the impact they’ve made.

In teams, you’ll dive into some high-energy, fun activities to earn the materials needed to build sleep pods. These expertly designed pods provide emergency shelter for people facing homelessness, keeping them safe from harsh weather.

With experts from the charity guiding you, you’ll get hands-on as you work with your team to build the sleep pods. It’s a memorable experience, knowing that the pods you’re making could actually save lives this winter!

Combining a great cause with engaging team building activities, the Sleep Pods for the Homeless charity team building event not only brings teams closer but also leaves everyone feeling energised by the impact they’re making.

Charity team building participants inside sleep pod smiling

4. Charity Bike Build

Charity Bike Build is a unique team building event that offers employees a rewarding and uplifting experience while also supporting children in need around the world.

In this feel-good team building activity, you’ll team up to assemble bicycles that will be donated to children and young people in need through our nominated charity. To get the parts for the bikes, teams tackle a bunch of fun, themed challenges, like fixing a flat tire, racing on a cycle simulator or mastering a highway code quiz. No worries if you’re not a bike pro – our expert mechanics will be there to help you out along the way.

You’ll also get to add a personal message to each bike for its future rider, giving the experience a special touch that will leave you feeling awesome about your contribution. After the event, the GOTO Events team will drop off all the bicycles to the charity, where they’ll be sent out to children in need worldwide.

Team building participants holding charity bike in outdoor event

5. Charity Bake Off

What better way to make your employees smile than by giving them the chance to brighten someone’s day? In the Charity Bake Off feel-good team building activity, everyone will dive into baking delicious treats to donate to charity. No experience needed – our Michelin-star trained pastry chef will show you all the tips and tricks to whip up some mouthwatering sweets.

We’ve got all the ingredients and equipment covered, including baking tools and a pro oven – all safety-checked and ready to roll. We bring everything right to your office or any venue you choose.

So gather your team, throw on those aprons and bake some goodies for a great cause! We’ll then pack up all the treats and deliver them to the charity the same day.

team building participants in baking challenge guided by pastry chef

6. Charity Gift of the Gab

Step out of your comfort zone with the Charity Gift of the Gab feel-good team building activity! You’ll have a blast with your team while doing something good for a charity you care about. It’s a fun way to flex your teamwork, resourcefulness and negotiation skills.

So, what’s your mission? Your team will get a list of must-have items for a charity and a map with local hotspots to help you find them. There’s a set budget per team, so pick someone to handle the cash while you’re out hunting. Use your negotiation skills to score the best deals. You’ll be racing against other teams to grab the most items within your budget, and remember, everything you collect gets donated to charity. The more you find, the bigger the impact you make!

Even with a bit of friendly competition, everyone’s working towards the same charitable goal. At the end, you can all celebrate together and feel great about making a difference.

team shopping for clothes to donate to charity in team building event

7. Community Clean Up (London)

Community Clean Up is a hands-on feel-good team building activity in London. It’s a day where you and your team roll up your sleeves and get to work sprucing up a neglected public green space and seeing the results of your efforts.

Urban gardening can really make a difference in busy cities like London by adding greenery, improving air quality and creating enjoyable spaces for locals. In this team building activity, you’ll learn practical gardening skills from a pro horticulturist, getting involved in activities like digging, planting, pruning, sowing and even making bug hotels and compost.

You’ll see the area transform right before your eyes, from the initial neglected state to a vibrant and revitalised space when you’re done. It’ll give you a major feel-good boost and make you proud to be part of a team that’s making real improvements in the community.

people digging in community clean up team building

8. Paws for a Cause

Helping animals in need gives people a major lift because it taps into their compassion and shows them that their efforts are making a real difference to creatures who can’t help themselves. With Paws for a Cause feel-good activities, you and your team will build useful enrichment equipment for animals in shelters, giving a hand to charities that support and conserve these animals.

With an expert facilitator showing you the ropes, you’ll design, measure, cut and put together practical equipment for animal enclosures, such as feeding devices, toys, furniture and agility gear. No DIY skills? No problem! All the activities are beginner-friendly, and with safety tips and expert guidance, you’ll quickly get the hang of using tools like power drills and hand saws.

Once the animal equipment is ready, it’ll be checked for safety and quality. The GOTO Events team will then drop it off at the animal shelter, where it’ll be set up in the animals’ enclosures. Your event will be followed up with photos and videos of the animals using your creations so you can see how your work is making a real difference.

team participating in charity team building event building furniture for animals in shelter with drills

9. Birdhouse Workshop

In the Birdhouse Workshop, your team will dive into a fun DIY project, crafting birdhouses from scratch that you can hang up in your outdoor spaces to give local birds a safe place to call home, helping to support their conservation.

With an expert facilitator guiding the way, you don’t need any prior experience for this feel-good activity – everything is super easy to get into, and you’ll get plenty of support. You’ll have a chance to use power tools, follow DIY instructions and add your own creative touch to decorate the birdhouses just the way you like.

The activity is set up to boost teamwork and get everyone to collaborate towards a common goal. Once the event wraps up, the birdhouses are yours to keep. We encourage you to hang them in a garden at home or a shared outdoor office space to offer birds a snug place to nest.

painting birdhouses in sustainability team building workshop

10. Bee Hotel Workshop

Handmade bee shelters give solitary bees a safe spot to lay eggs and care for their young. In this feel-good team building workshop, you and your team will have a great time building bee hotels, all while doing something great for the environment.

Participants will dive into fun team building games while building bee hotels, and learning about sustainability and pollinators. They’ll get hands-on and creative with materials like wood and bamboo straws, designing and constructing unique shelters in different layouts.

After the event, the bee hotels are yours to take home and set up in an outdoor space, where they will attract pollinators and help support their conservation. It’s incredibly satisfying to create something from scratch with your team and then see your handiwork put to good use by the bees.

two people holding bee hotels in team building workshop

11. Living Art Workshop

The Living Art Workshop is all about bringing your team together through a fun upcycling project. You’ll take old, discarded objects and turn them into stunning living art. It’s a mix of gardening, DIY, creativity and team bonding – a perfect combo for a great time!

With expert facilitators guiding you through the process, you’ll learn clever upcycling techniques and get hands-on making unique art pieces from recycled items, plants, moss and driftwood. From turning old frames into living artworks and discarded shoes into charming planters, you’ll be amazed at how inventive you can get with a bit of inspiration from nature and teamwork.

Once this feel-good activity wraps up, the living art piece is yours to keep. It’ll be a beautiful, low-maintenance decoration for your home or office. Plus, you’ll have the skills to turn other discarded items into art!

women creating living frame in sustainability team building workshop

Looking for an amazing team activity with that feel-good factor?

We’ve got unique and engaging activities that combine the joy of giving back with fun, strategic team building challenges. Reach out today for a free venue finding service and free, bespoke proposal in under 45 minutes.

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What are feel-good team building activities?

Feel-good team building activities are all about boosting team spirit and making a positive impact. They usually involve giving back to the community or supporting a good cause, uniting everyone under the great feeling of a meaningful purpose, which in turn strengthens team bonds. Examples include putting together care packages, building bikes for children, baking treats for those in need, or even crafting furniture for animals or bee hotels and birdhouses. Our feel-good activities are a fun way to work together, make a difference and enjoy some good vibes!

Why get your team involved in a feel-good team building activity?

Getting your team involved in a feel-good team building activity is a win-win. It boosts morale and strengthens team bonds by combining teamwork with a meaningful cause. When your team works together on something that makes a positive impact, like supporting a charity or improving the community, it fosters a sense of accomplishment and unity. Plus, it’s a great way to break the routine, inject some fun into the workday and create lasting memories.

What kind of team building activities give the biggest feel-good boost?

Team building activities that give the biggest feel-good boost are those that combine fun with giving back. Look for activities that involve making a positive impact, like our team building activities Putt for a Purpose, Sleep Pods for the Homeless, Charity Bike Build, Birdhouse Workshop or London Community Clean Up. These feel-good activities not only bring the team together but also provide a sense of accomplishment and purpose. When your team can see the direct impact of their efforts on the community or a worthy cause, it boosts morale, strengthens connections and leaves everyone with a great feeling of satisfaction.

Where’s the best place to host a feel-good team building activity?

Our events are fully mobile, so we can come to you no matter where you are in the UK. Whether you’re into indoor activities or outdoor fun, we’ll bring everything you need and our awesome team right to your location. If your office isn’t quite right for the event, we can also help you find the right venue, free of charge!