Here at Out the Office we are always looking for new staff to join our operation team to go out and run the events and, of course, give clients the time of their lives! As a company we are constantly looking for things we might be missing and thinking of ways to improve.
We are always looking to see if the event team are ready to provide a high-quality event and if not, then why? We want our staff to convey our ideas, they are the face of the business and we want our fun and friendly brand to be shown throughout our team! One of the main jobs for our guys in the office and the event manager on the day is to make sure the events team is thoroughly prepared; from looking the part to knowing the itinerary inside out, and of course being prepared to always meet and exceed our clients expectations!
Being part of a world-class team is not only fun for you, but will make the event more successful and everyone can have a good time and enjoy their working life. Here at Out the Office we have come up with five big time tips for guidelines to ensure you have the right team who enjoy their work while properly executing fantastic events J

#Employing the right candidates
This has to be number one. If you think that the greatest employees are just going to fall into your lap then you are mistaken – you have to go out and find these little gems. I won’t lie, this can sometimes be a challenge, but it’s so important and could potentially be make or break for a repeat booking. Even if you have a volunteer team helping out on events, they still need to be vetted because they are still the face of your company and have to do a good job – no excuses!
Finding and building a solid team is no quick fix. This will take time and effort so give it the attention it needs, and I promise you now that truly successful events rely on competent and cohesive staff members who truly work together! We all want that dream team for events and I assure you it can be done with focus and experience. Work on growing a team that collaborates well and has fun on the job! Creating a fun atmosphere and a positive staff culture will bode well for you and your events.

#Communication is vital
Poor communication really can take down your event in a matter of seconds. You and your team have to be on the same page about how the event is running, and keeping people in the loop regarding changes is a must. If not, it can all go to chaos and nobody wants that. To combat this, start with a staff meeting and make sure everyone knows what is going on. Refresh all staff members of their responsibilities for the day and make sure they are CONFIDENT doing this job. This will help the staff see the bigger picture, understand what is expected of them and assure them that everything is covered for the day. Finally, remind them to smile and have fun!
We all know that events change in seconds and the plans will alter so make sure you update your staff. Using radios or having another team meeting in the break is always a good start to keeping everyone in check. Having a quick line of communication to your entire team is valuable so don’t forget it!

#Praise and Feedback
It is important to give credit when credit is due. If you have a dream team on your event then please do let them know they have done a top notch job and how much you recognise their hard work. A little thank you and highlighting the good work they have accomplished really does go a long way. After all, we all love being valued and appreciated.
Just imagine doing the event from hell – It has been long day, the event was brutal, you have worked really hard and you are exhausted. You come to the end of the event and your hard work has been met with negativity. Nobody needs that. So if you do need to criticise, try to do so by giving some constructive feedback that the team can discuss. Always offer feedback in a fairly positive way to keep the teams spirits high.
If you hire the right people from the start, then they should always be trying their best and want to make sure the event is as good as it should be. Life isn’t perfect though and issues can occur. It’s all about how you deal with those issues and as a good event manager you must be able to think on your feet and deal with these issues in a positive way. Your future success depends on it!

#Bringing Ideas together
Once you have the event team of champions, you want to keep them and teamwork is vital. Since these guys are always on your events, why not get their opinions and ideas on things? How do they think the events can be improved and do they have any awesome new event ideas that clients might love. Take time to brainstorm as a group and do your best to embrace any and all ideas.
Everyone has different skill sets – so use them! Some people may have weird and wonderful ideas but you may be able to use them and develop them into something more realistic. Your clients love seeing something new and fresh so encourage your team to think outside the box and make your events shine.
When you’re in charge you may think your ideas are the best and should reign supreme, but seeing the event through a different set of eyes can often help get the best results. Young or novice event planners may not have years of experience under their belt, but can definitely see it from a different perspective that might be closer to that of a delegate. Use this to your advantage! Ask questions, collaborate and listen to the feedback of your team.

#Share your victory
Successful events always have a great leader running the show and calling the shots but don’t forget that they always have an amazing team behind them doing the dirty work, which elevates the leader towards success. When you get praise or your company receives praise or an award for a job well done, don’t forget that everyone has played a part. You did this TOGETHER.
Even small things like a handwritten note to your team or an end of year celebration goes down well, just to show how much you appreciate the dedication they have shown to the company.

Some people may work just for the money, but everyone also wants to enjoy working. If they enjoy working this will show and the clients will realise that they love their job. Strive to do your best at building a quality culture for your staff that evolves around praise, feedback and communication, as they are all vital. This may not be easy, but over time your team will develop into a cohesive unit if you can keep these tips in mind. If you follow all of these steps you will become a more successful leader and your team will want to work harder for you because of it.