current employment hate and solutions


Not everyone comes into work with the same level of engagement, motivation, and passion each day. But if more than a few of your employees are making a habit out of being tired, stressed and unmotivated you might have a problem on your hands.

Lack of engagement could be a sign pointing to poor job satisfaction and dissatisfied employees could be costing you more than you think. Aside from the high price of employee turnover, you could also be losing money due to their carelessness or lack of engagement. Spot unhappy employees early and do your best to get them on track on being happier, more engaged and profitable.

Here are the top 6 reasons your employees may be hating their job:

Grass is greener someplace else – Envious of friends in other companies having amazing experience? The benefits and perks at other companies can sometimes lead your employees to dream about working elsewhere. Keep an eye on what other companies are doing and try to match it with something worth bragging about.

Their values don’t align with the company – Dissatisfaction is bound to take place if your employees aren’t sold on the same things you are so make sure you get it right on the hiring process. Regular feedback and reviews can really help stay in tune with employee’s values and how they align with the company needs.

They don’t feel valued – Employee happiness is bound to be impacted if you don’t take the time to pat them on the back. Recognition breeds feelings of value and loyalty. Regular verbal praise, gifts rewards and monetary gifts for awesome performance is a must.

Job Insecurity – It’s easy to dislike your job and have the worry if you don’t know if you will be there in a few months, instability maybe taking its toll so remain transparent and work on keeping spirits up.

There’s no room for advancement – Policy for promotion? Employees that feel they are stuck and have no chance of advancement will lead to job-hopping and its important to keep a plan for employees to grow.

The passion’s gone – Huge difference between living to work and working to live, do your employees love what they do? Focus on hiring passionate employees and give them a purpose to maintain their passion throughout their time on the job.

Boss Sucks – Poor management can ruin even the most passionate and well-paid employees love for their job. If you have unhappy employees the first thing you should look at is your management habits, then talk to your employees and get to the bottom of it.

Brushing off unhappy employees will damage your company. Get to the bottom of their troubles before you lose any valuable employees that work with you. A lack of meaningful, challenging work is certain to breed disdain. Find out whether your employees feel like they’re learning or advancing their knowledge. If they’re not becoming better, they will go someplace where they feel they can improve.

Ice cream, chocolate topping and mash mallow


The office kitchen always comes with rules and you don’t want to be that chump that gets caught out. Everyone can relate to this, I’ve spotted the guy who doesn’t clean up the spilled coffee beans and the girl eyeing up my meat sandwich. I CAN SEE YOU. For everyone working in the office environment most people know the kitchen etiquette and what rules not too break. For all you people out there who have not been in this situation or need to be refreshed, I am here to help and guide you to less hassle. You don’t want to be that guy.

We can all remember the Friends episode with Ross and his anger issues over his sandwich (Watch the clip here). Being inspired by all of this and having issues in my own work kitchen here our the top 10 things you should avoid doing in the office kitchen if you want to have friends and be back the next day.

Failing to make a new pot of Coffee

Come on, if you are the last person having that cup of Coffee and it runs out then please fill it up. Staff live off Coffee and you don’t want to make them angry

Mess is not the one

You don’t have to be spotless but the kitchen has to be left in a good condition, especially if a good number of people use it. You make a mess then clear it up it’s that simple.

Smelly leftovers

You bring in your lunch then you eat your lunch or you chuck it away. Nobody wants your smelly leftovers, which are out of date festering in the cupboard and growing new life. So eat it, give it away or chuck it!

Eating your Co-Workers lunch

If Dave across the room brings in the best lunch and you get jealous, get a better lunch! He has gone to the effort of making an amazing lunch so keep your hands off.

Here are a few stats for you;

3 out of 10 people have had their food stolen at work
But 1 out of 10 have admitted eating someone else’s.

Replacing Supplies

You had the last piece of bread, you had the last bit of milk, then either replace or make sure someone is, take it in turns be fair, you see these people nearly every day so pull your finger out.


Rubbish smells! Food Smells! Over the day, or over a few days it starts to get worse so on the way outside, leaving from work change the bin. Coming in the day after it is going to smell and we would all rather be in a fresh environment, especially when eating.

Don’t save seats at lunch

Luckily at my work there is no seating in the kitchen but many places do, don’t be that one that doesn’t let a colleague sit down because you’re saving a seat. Man up!

Taking a personal call in kitchen

Sometimes you want to get away from people on your lunch break and make a cup of tea in a bit of peace, so don’t take those personal calls in the kitchen about your life!

Don’t start a microwave fire or toaster smoke

Getting smoke everywhere is a frustrating one, nobody wants to pretend they are on Stars on their eyes at lunch and we all love to breathe air in not smoke so come on, watch what you cook!

Don’t eat smelly food

The final but most vital, the smelly food one – Tuna has to be top of the list, ok it tastes nice but come on it stinks, your breathe smells the office smells, the kitchen smells! So many choices out there that don’t smell so sort it out.

valentine's day games

Valentines Day

The 14th February is nearly upon us, the most romantic day of the year or a marketing strategy to double the price of roses, increase the cost of dining out and another reason to buy a card? We can only imagine that there are a number of men out there scratching their heads and frantically planning an over the top way to impress a loved one.

Here at Out The Office it has been a big talking point of what to do, what to get and how much to spend. With it being on a Saturday it makes it a little easier but may mean spoiling them all day. If you still haven’t got those lovely gifts yet don’t worry there is still time and just remember that the best presents are sweet, simple and come from the heart where you really do show your true feelings for the one you love.

Some may say Valentines Day is packed with pressure, it can bring out the best and worst in your relationship. So pay attention to what your partner likes, don’t go for any cliché tat and don’t get the worst gift they have ever seen as that could definitely ruin your relationship. So in the office we have gone through some ideas of what we think are good, bad and what we have received in the past, which was supposed to impress us.
Below is a list of what we think you shouldn’t get those special loved ones;

• Love Tokens – I am still shocked anybody gives these out but they are still out there – lets hope these are only used as a joke
• Recycled Card – A girl in our office once got a card with another girls name crossed out and hers written underneath – romantic
• Tandem Glove/ Joint Onesie – If you have seen these then you know they are ridiculous, they may bring you closer but very impractical.
• Name Tattoo – Putting somebody’s name on your body is a big call, there has to be a lot of trust there to get this done.
• Fake Flowers/ Petrol Station Flowers – There is nothing worse or more of a waste of money than wilting flowers or even fake flowers, opt for
something that will make them smile (yes we do know it’s the thought that counts… It’s not all about overpriced roses you know!)
• Sugar free sweets or chocolates – Most have a sweet tooth but when it’s the sugar free option it’s an insult – nothing says “I’d love you more if you weighed less” like an artificially sweetened treat.
• Gym Membership – If you got this as a present most people would appreciate it but then again is there a hidden message, does he/she think I’m lazy?
• Joke Book – Receiving this can be an insult if you think you are funny already – time for new gags?
• The boot – You may not be happy in your relationship but giving someone the boot on Valentines is not the one and there should be deadline for before and after.
• Finally getting a loved one nothing on Valentines is not going to go down well at all so be prepared and get something meaningful. Gifts don’t have to be pricey or even cost anything at all.

All we suggest is something simple and sweet, cook a meal or take your loved one out and you can’t beat a lovely bunch of flowers (fresh).

Hope some of this may help and all we want is to see those smiles back on people’s faces because they have been spoiled by a love one.

Feel good January love

Feel Good January

The 14th February is nearly upon us, the most romantic day of the year or a marketing strategy to double the price of roses, increase the cost of dining out and another reason to buy a card? We can only imagine that there are a number of men out there scratching their heads and frantically planning an over the top way to impress a loved one.

Here at Out The Office it has been a big talking point of what to do, what to get and how much to spend. With it being on a Saturday it makes it a little easier but may mean spoiling them all day. If you still haven’t got those lovely gifts yet don’t worry there is still time and just remember that the best presents are sweet, simple and come from the heart where you really do show your true feelings for the one you love.

Some may say Valentines Day is packed with pressure, it can bring out the best and worst in your relationship. So pay attention to what your partner likes, don’t go for any cliché tat and don’t get the worst gift they have ever seen as that could definitely ruin your relationship. So in the office we have gone through some ideas of what we think are good, bad and what we have received in the past, which was supposed to impress us.

Below is a list of what we think you shouldn’t get those special loved ones;

• Love Tokens – I am still shocked anybody gives these out but they are still out there – lets hope these are only used as a joke
• Recycled Card – A girl in our office once got a card with another girls name crossed out and hers written underneath – romantic
• Tandem Glove/ Joint Onesie – If you have seen these then you know they are ridiculous, they may bring you closer but very impractical.
• Name Tattoo – Putting somebody’s name on your body is a big call, there has to be a lot of trust there to get this done.
• Fake Flowers/ Petrol Station Flowers – There is nothing worse or more of a waste of money than wilting flowers or even fake flowers, opt for
something that will make them smile (yes we do know it’s the thought that counts… It’s not all about overpriced roses you know!)
• Sugar free sweets or chocolates – Most have a sweet tooth but when it’s the sugar free option it’s an insult – nothing says “I’d love you more if you weighed less” like an artificially sweetened treat.
• Gym Membership – If you got this as a present most people would appreciate it but then again is there a hidden message, does he/she think I’m lazy?
• Joke Book – Receiving this can be an insult if you think you are funny already – time for new gags?
• The boot – You may not be happy in your relationship but giving someone the boot on Valentines is not the one and there should be deadline for before and after.
• Finally getting a loved one nothing on Valentines is not going to go down well at all so be prepared and get something meaningful. Gifts don’t have to be pricey or even cost anything at all.

All we suggest is something simple and sweet, cook a meal or take your loved one out and you can’t beat a lovely bunch of flowers (fresh).

Hope some of this may help and all we want is to see those smiles back on people’s faces because they have been spoiled by a love one.

christmas savings and ginger bread holidays

Top Tips For Festive Savings

Everyone here at Out The Office loves Christmas and really getting into the spirit of things, the Christmas songs are full pelt, the jumpers are on and everyone is in great spirits. We know what is like at Christmas and money seems to disappear very quickly so we have come up with some helpful tips for festive savings;

1. Have a good look about – you really need to shop around, don’t just buy from the first shop you look in as there is always better options if you spend
your time looking properly. Also if you have a Smartphone have a look online as they always have discount codes that will save you a fortune.

2. Haggle – Do not be afraid to haggle, there is always a deal out there and they want your custom so just go for it as there is nothing to lose.

3. New Customer – Just putting a different email address normally will save you some money as all businesses love getting new customers joining.

4. Start early doors: August/September is the best time to begin Christmas shopping, as this is when all the sales begin.

5. Freebies – A lot of great gifts are for free, a lot of websites give out freebies all year round and they can fit perfectly as great stocking fillers.

6. Last thing on the list should be food – please leave this to the last minute, vegetables will always have discounts, also why not sign up to review websites as you get loads of free stuff then.

7. Save all year round: Saving a little bit of money throughout the year can really help at Christmas. Just £10 a month will give you £120 to spend.

8. Shop online: Online shopping is great for saving and all from your own home. Many shops offer loyalty boosts, such as Tesco Clubcard, discount codes and flash sales.

9.Make your own Christmas Cards – Buying everything to make them works out cheaper, may take a bit more time but they can look fab and really shows you care. Also if you have kids it’s a great thing to do with them and add that personal touch.

10. Christmas treats – There are so many great offers in supermarkets for chocolates or drinks at Christmas as they love a deal so go there and have a butchers at what you can get.

Hopefully this will help save those pennies at Christmas!

secret santa and christmas activities

Secret Santa Worst Buys

Last weekend was my first sighting of those Christmas Decorations – it has started……..

I love Christmas and everything about it but there is one thing I know every office needs help with so here at Out The Office we decided to give you a few pointers for that dreaded office Secret Santa.

Once again the dreaded Secret Santa is back and you can already hear all those office workers wracking their brains to find that perfect gift which will prove to be the best in town. If you are currently struggling to get any inspiration like many others then we have come up with some tips of what NOT to buy your co-workers.

Chocolate Body Paint – This is well renowned as the gift of choice by the office perv every year since 1994. It’s not funny, nobody likes it and it is tacky.

The Over-budget Item – Trying to hard is not great and spending too much money does not make you look great – maybe your getting your fair share of that salary cake.

The Cheap Option – The complete opposite, this person is bitter about their low wages – only allowed if they get the boss!

The Freebie – We all get free stuff all the time, it has been sitting on your desk for 6 months, re-gifting this is not the one, it really does take the biscuit.

The Thoughtless gift – being unimaginative and ignoring all the fun of Christmas by popping to the local shop and getting a voucher – bore off!

The Subtle Hint – my mother always told me that if you can’t say anything nice then don’t say anything at all, even if said with a present so freshening body spray or weight loss manual is a big no-no.

The Insult – Clothing is probably not a safe bet, guessing someone’s size is a recipe for disaster.

The Funny Present – Unless you really know them then don’t get that funny gift, hair dye, anti-wrinkle cream just may not be funny in their eyes.

The last minute gift – You really need to put some thought into these presents and there is no excuse for just grabbing something out of the stationary cupboard.

The Christmas Gift – I know it’s Christmas and it is Secret Santa but normally these gifts are given out so late then it just gets wasted and can only use it for a week or so.

All of us here at Out The Office say get organized now and Have a HAPPY CHRISTMAS!

Self confidence sky diving team building exercise

Self Confidence

Self-confidence is one of those qualities that everybody desires. Some have it and some don’t. Self-confidence is extremely important in almost every aspect of our lives, yet so many people struggle to find it. Confident people inspire confidence in others: their audience, their peers, their bosses, their customers and their friends. Gaining the confidence of others is one of the key ways in which a self-confident person finds success.

So why is self-confidence so important in the events industry? Let’s imagine you have a new lead and it’s your job to persuade this potential client that you can deliver an incredible event that’s miles above and beyond the capabilities of any other events company out there! Most people are reluctant to get behind an event that’s being pitched by someone who is nervous, fumbling, and overly apologetic. On the other hand, if you are confident and you speak clearly, hold your head high, and answer questions assuredly, you stand a much better chance of succeeding. Even if you don’t know the answer to a curveball question, simply admitting that you are unsure rather than trying to avoid the subject can clearly demonstrate that you have self-confidence. The key to being confident when dealing with a client is to be thoroughly prepared for any eventuality. Make sure you understand exactly what it is they want, exactly what you’re selling and exactly how you can best describe it to its full potential. If you’re positive on this before the meeting, your self-confidence will naturally shine through, even if you don’t perceive yourself as a confident person.

I’ve been running teambuilding events for over 11 years now and most of my experience has been leading teams of people through a series of engaging activities to test their creativity, teamwork and dedication. However, I’m sure everyone who’s been in the industry for as long as I have, at some point has been asked to run an event that was pretty dull and boring. Unfortunately, this occasionally does happen. If a client has specifically requested a series of very basic activities, it can become quite challenging to hold everyone’s attention and make it really exciting and entertaining! This is where self-confidence comes in handy, because if you believe in something then you can lead other people to also believe in it. If you use your self-confidence and deliver a brief that clearly shows that you think this is the best activity in the world, then people will start to engage!

The events industry often runs to a tight deadline. When you arrive onsite for an event, you know you have a certain amount of time before the field has to be set and everyone must be in place and ready to begin. Occasionally the client will be running ahead of time and ask if we can start the event earlier, so being friendly but firm with all the event staff is crucial. If you have self-confidence, have a solid plan in your head and communicate with your team coherently, you can carry out an effective setup. If you lack confidence and don’t really know what’s going on, you will find it difficult to keep you team motivated and willing to work hard for you. They will start doing their own thing and setting up wherever they want and the whole event could be doomed from the start. Make a plan. Stick to your plan. Execute your plan. Stay confident!

Self-confidence is a mind-set that only you can induce, and it will help you in all areas of life, not just at work. It can make positive things happen for you and it makes you feel so much happier about yourself as a person and how your life is going. People will give you more respect and you will find you get more out of life because you are more confident to go look for it. So how do the experts suggest we can teach ourselves to be more self-confident?

Self-confidence is simply a mind-set and we are ALL capable of accessing it. You need to take stock of where you are, think about where you want to go, get yourself in the right frame of mind for your journey and commit yourself to starting it and staying with it. There are 4 basic things that professional life-coaches remind you to remember:

1. Stay away from negativity and bring on the positivity.
2. Pull your shoulders back, raise your head and smile.
3. Get rid of the negative voices in your head.
4. Be prepared

The good news is that self-confidence really can be learned and built on. And, whether you’re working on your own confidence or building the confidence of people around you, it’s well-worth the effort!

Wood carving, equipment maintenance

Maintaining Equipment Blog

Some of us may hate it, the weird ones may love it, but regardless of that it’s something that we all have to do on a fairly regular basis to keep our business running smoothly! Whether it is general wear and tear, transit damage or improper use by clients getting a bit too excited – sometimes equipment gets damaged and it needs to be fixed/maintained. Oh and don’t forget all of those technical problems with the PC or projector that needs to be resolved, the ‘amazing’ activity idea that you need the blacksmith on board for or even just finding the right storage to stop that fragile piece of equipment from breaking in the van.
This all falls within the ‘equipment Maintenance’ bracket. But why is it so important?In any business, keeping equipment in check should be one of your top priorities. In the events industry in particular, it’s compulsory, as we rely 100% on our kit performing as it should. If equipment is damaged on an event put back without being fixed, you can easily forget about it and you are then bound to encounter issues next time you set up that equipment. This can often lead to a major issues and sometimes may even mean you cannot run the activity and are forced to divert to your backup activity (rule number 1, always have a plan B)!
There is another very important reason for keeping all your equipment well maintained and looking in tiptop condition… The state of your equipment directly displays the state of your business! The way the field looks when all activities are setup and ready to go is effectively your company’s window display. You want people to look and get excited for what’s about to happen. If you have dusty, muddy, broken equipment with bits missing then clients will not have any faith in your ability to run an event and will not be able to relax and enjoy the day. First impressions are everything and we want repeat bookings, we don’t want clients taking their business elsewhere due to scruffy front of house.
Sometimes events can be long and often days last 18 hours or more! After a long day it’s very easy to forget to mention a minor technical issue you experienced, or a piece of kit that was damaged or missing. Its imperative to have a system in place, whereby if a piece of equipment is damaged or lost it will not be simply forgotten about until the next time it’s used, but repaired quickly and efficiently.
We want to deal with these issues immediately rather than leaving them until its too late! Here at Out The Office our Event Manager’s complete a Feedback Form after every event, which is submitted into the office. On this form, among other general feedback questions, is a section where any damaged kit is listed so it’s not overlooked. The first task for the following day is to review this feedback form and maintain any kit that is not 100%. This section also allows our crew to suggest any improvements to our equipment or the way we run our events, and is a great opportunity for all staff to voice their creative ideas and suggestions.

Building skill and equipment maintenance activities

Recruitment Blog

Today I have been reading a number of articles online and I saw a company advertising a job with the slogan ‘Exciting jobs are hard to come by. Get paid to do what you love!’ My first thought was that the headline really did grab my attention and made me read further (Boss if you are reading this, I am not looking for a new job don’t worry!). It then got me thinking about my job here at Out the Office and how I really do appreciate my job. Waking up every morning, I like knowing that I will be productive today, and this is because I do actually enjoy it. I look forward to coming in every day and pushing the business to the next level. I have a real passion for events and seeing that I have done everything I can to put a smile on the clients faces. Passion is not something you follow; passion is something that will follow you as you put in the hard work to become valuable to the world.

I really do think it is important to have a job you enjoy and be in a company that allows you to flourish. My job pays well (unless the boss is reading, in that case I would like more) and I have job satisfaction, which really shows through our results. We have great clients and we receive fabulous feedback. Can you really have both? Of course you can!

The conventional thinking of money and job satisfaction comes from a theory developed by the psychologist Frederick Herzberg. He proposed that there were two sets of factors in the workplace. One group, known as motivators, cause satisfaction. These are things like achievement, advancement and interest in work. The other group, called hygiene factors, cause dissatisfaction if they are absent – and salary is part of this group. So, if you don’t earn enough you will be dissatisfied. Lucky I love my job eh! There is a huge element of achievement in this job; putting on a class event while at the same time changing people’s opinions of teambuilding.

So let me tell you a little story, I was at Bournemouth University studying Business and specialising in Project & Operations Management (I am not sure why I picked it now but it seemed the right choice at the time). After University I had no idea what I wanted to do, I didn’t really have a path and I had no idea what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. You could say I was letting time pass by. I had previous experience in hospitality so I started working for a popular restaurant chain, but I knew my heart wasn’t in it.

After working there for a while I quickly started to lose any interest that I had, the passion wasn’t there but I continued to work hard and do a good job. I used to dread the thought of going to work, the drive in seemed so long and I used to spend my shift clock watching, thinking when can I get out of here. I started to feel a bit depressed and thought why am I working in something that I literally hate as it’s affecting me in a lot of negative ways. It finally hit me and I thought there MUST something better for me out there. The very next day I handed my notice in and the countdown begun.

It may have been a silly move to leave a job and not have anything else confirmed but it felt right and the pressure was released. I felt happier instantly. Looking back now it was the best decision I have made in my life!

The next stage was to get a job I enjoyed – something I wanted to work hard for. I managed to fall into working in events and started to work freelance doing a number of fun and exciting events around the UK. I was doing a fun team building event and it hit me, (I had my lightbulb moment), could this be the career for me? What’s not to like? Your outdoors a lot, meeting different people every day and having fun while getting paid. I had a meeting with the MD and we got on well and the vibes were good, (guessing she fancied me). I got a full time job and I was a very happy man. The next stage of my life begun and the passion grew from there.

2.5 years on and I am still working for the company and I’m now Head of Events. I love my job and it feels weird to think of life beforehand. I even met my girlfriend here and we have a beautifully little rascal because of it. I still look forward to working every day and the team we are building here is great fun. I really do think it is important to love your job and everyone can sense how enthusiastic we are because of the passion we possess. We all want to do a great job and push the business on!

So what do I love about the events industry and the job then? Is it the many laugh out loud moments we have? Is it the variety and creativity of the job, or is it seeing our positive impact and how people blossom? Actually it is all of these plus many more. Here at ‘Out the Office’ it has been great to see the rise of the company from where we have come to what we are looking for in the future and a big part of that is because the employees love their job.

We have been looking for a new placement student recently and we have been really trying to convey why we love the job and why they should be interested in working here. There is never a dull moment and a lot of satisfaction is to be had in creating something from scratch and seeing the success to the end. We only want employees that will fit in to our work family and that will appreciate the exciting job that comes with it.

The lesson is – enjoy your job and be happy!

Over and out!

Apprentice paper folding activities

Team Building Events for Start-ups

Team Building Events for Startups

If you’re a startup you may think that it is too early to think about a team building event. You’re likely running a hectic schedule and cost pressures mean that cash is a bit thin. But what if you could make a wise investment in your team from an early stage that helps to foster relationships and promote social cohesion?

Getting to know each other

Depending on just how new your team is then you may have a collection of staff who know nothing of each other as yet. What better way for them to get to learn to know each other than in a purpose built event that challenges them to learn about each other and use their skills for the overall challenge. A team building event is an ideal way for people to learn about each other and get to know them better to build relationships that will last.

Social cohesion

This is the glue that sticks teams together and teams that play together stay together. The strong interpersonal bonds that can be built by a team building event promote a healthy dynamic in your team and for new teams in the startup world this is important. Most companies think of team building in long term teams. This can be to try and solve issues on occasion, but what if you could prevent some of those issues from happening in the first place by creating strong relationships?


There is overwhelming evidence that trust is important in teams and that team building can help to promote it. We rely on trust in all of our exchanges with others and this is even more important in teams. Our team building challenges often rely on the need for trust and teamwork. We build these with the development of trust and social cohesion in mind.

Shared experiences

The shared experience of a team building event gives your new team a background structure that means they have something in common. Our somewhat tribal minds mean that we seek out those with which we have something in common and the promotion of this can result in much better and more importantly productive teams.

Long term benefits

Though it is hard to see the benefits for the long term there are many. The enhancement of interpersonal relationships of your team will result in fewer HR headaches down the road, it should also result in lowering turnover of staff as socially connected staff are far more likely to stay with you. These results can save a huge sum over the years following the event and can easily outweigh the cost of the event itself.

So if you think that your startup would gain something from a team building experience then get in touch. Our specialists can start to build an event around you and your team and produce the ideal event for your business. So get in touch today and let us get started.